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Harry likes Democrats

They gave us Social Security and borrowed racial justice after Republicans got bored with Lincoln. Sadly today Republicans compete against each other to hate Democrats the most. To have a functioning nation that must end.

Roe v Wade. My turns off radio after hearing the news

All accross America Democrats and Independents are registering as Republicans to elect sane candidates in districts that have been gerrymandered out of their control. In Minnesota they can vote in a GOP primary without all that fuss.

Here’s Harry

The choices in Minnesota’s  August 9th Congressional Republican Primary are stark and simple.

Harry Welty 

Elections are about the future and nothing is more important to Harry than insuring that his grandsons are left a rich, thriving Earth. Harry understands that America’s government will never heal as long as its parties are consumed with hate. Harry likes Democrats.

Vs. Pete Stauber

Below is the oath of Office that Congressman Stauber has taken twice:

“I, Pete Stauber, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Your Donation will help restore the integrity of Lincoln to the Grand Old Party. Pete Stauber lies to God.

                Your children will thank you.

Harry Welty predicted a Trump Republican Party in 1992, 18 years before the Simpsons. His snow sculptures make a point too.

While many Republicans jail doctors and women for abortions beyond 6 weeks…

Listen to Harry’s podcasts from May 4 to May 9

Harry Welty’s model 

He was self taught 
He was a religious skeptic
He was “Honest Abe”

He fought depression with an unending well of humor often directed at himself.

He was at the center of our Nation’s greatest conflict and saved the Union

Harry once complained to his Mother that he was homely. His Mother told him that Lincoln was homely too. When Harry got close to Lincoln’s age at death he compared their lives.


Harry Welty also sings in his church choir

a shout out to my daughter Keely and her own singing at: https://www.youtube.com/user/squealyk23/videos


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